Open Recruitment IPYCEP – 2012


AYFN, sebuah organisasi yang bergerak di bidang persahabatan antara negara-negara ASEAN membuka pendaftaran untuk program Indonesia Philippines Youth Cultural Exchange 2012, di Manila Filipina. Universitas yang menjadi host kali ini adalah Ateneo de Manila University.

  1. AYFN Academy

    Untuk 2012, yang terbaru akan di post setelah ini. Program februari ke thailand untuk ilfrip. Untuk 2012 ini, kemungkinan kami ada program ke Philippine, Vietnam, dan Cambodia. 🙂

  2. Serli yuanti

    When will be held the ILFRIP program for those three country and how about the recruitment for it?
    I mean what will I do to join with this program

    1. AYFN Academy

      this program is held once / twice a year. we will contact you when the open recruitment is opened. 🙂

  3. Velika Mustika

    The schedule are: February-Thailand, May-Vietnam, could I find out the schedule for open-recuitment student-ship to Philippines and Cambodia? I am more interested to going Philippines. Thank you for your reply 🙂

    1. AYFN Academy

      Thank you, IPYCEP program will be held on July 2012. Actually, we already make the Cambodia program on our draft, please wait for further information. 🙂

  4. fuad

    pengen ikutan,,
    caranya gimana? kapan waktunya?
    mohon infonya kak

  5. rafinata

    when there is new open recruitment, would you contact me via e-mail?because I am very interesting about cultural exchange…thank you

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