We proudly announce you the result of ILFRIP #3 selection phase 1. Here is the list of participants who pass the first phase of ILFRIP #3 documents and essays selection.
Download List of Selected Participants
Note :
- Interview : 28/12/2011 on Ruang Kenari, Wisma Kagama, Gadjah Mada University. Bulaksumur Block G. Yogyakarta. 09.00 A.M
- Applicants who are from (or) Study in Yogyakrta or Central Java have to attend the interview on Wisma Kagama.
- Applicants from the outside of DIY and Central Java are recommended to attend the interview, however if the applicants (from outside DIY and Central Java) cannot attended the interview on Wisma Kagama, they must create and send a video profile with min. duration of 3 minutes, which performing your talent in Culture/arts, sports, or etc.
- Maximum size of video is 25 MB. Please send the video to : ayfn.hq@gmail.com or upload it to Youtube.com. Deadline : 28/12/2011, 15.00 P.M and committee will have phone interview on the next date.
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