Create Workshop

Registration Form
Let's create you workshop now! and earn more money.

This page is only for Educator who has registered before. If you have not registered yet, please do visit this page: Become Educator to register as Educator at AYFN Academy.

    Nama Workshop/Kelas

    Nama Vendor

    Alamat Email

    Upload Foto & Logo untuk Workshop/Kelas anda. Ukuran yang direkomendasikan adalah (800 x 800) pixels.

    Logo Workshop/Kelas (jpeg|jpg|png|max 5 mb)

    Foto Workshop/Kelas (jpeg|jpg|png|max 5 mb)

    Jadwal Workshop/Kelas

    Waktu Workshop/Kelas (format WIB)

    Alamat Workshop/Kelas

    Link Google Maps Alamat Workshop/Kelas

    Jumlah Maksimum Peserta

    Jumlah Minimum Peserta

    Minimum Umur Peserta

    Level Workshop/Kelas

    Bahasa yang digunakan

    Deskripsi Workshop/Kelas

    Catatan/Keterangan terkait Workshop/Kelas

    Materi Workshop/Kelas

    Harga/Pax (dalam Rupiah)

    Apa saja yang didapatkan peserta?

    Apakah peserta mendapatkan sertifikat?

    Apa saja yang harus disiapkan oleh peserta?


    By clicking “I Agree” when you create a workshop/class on our platform binds you to legally enforceable contract specified in terms of use on the website.

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