Antologi Collaboractive Space

antologi space

Antologi Collaboractive Space: #ExchangingKnowledge


Our story began in 2016, as students, at that time we were experiencing the shortage of place for study and learn new things in Yogyakarta. In libraries and campuses, hours and spaces were limited, meanwhile in restaurants and cafés, prices were often out of reach and noises can be too loud. We then started Antologi with an idea to create a safe, inclusive space for students, young makers and entrepreneurs to study, work, and hopefully can learn from each other.


Antologi is committed to continue supporting young people through partnership and programs that offers free and or affordable membership to communities and startups whose work represent our value of exchanging knowledge.

Co-Working Space

Whether you are a freelancer looking for flexible working space, growing company in need of office space or a student searching for a great study ambience, we have a space for you. Choose what is best for your need in our co-working space packages.

Event Space

From art workshop, talks in sustainability, pop up market to open mic, we have hosted and organized high variety of events in our space. Small, large, public, private, let us know what you want to create.


When you need extra energy for your work and study, take a break! And come taste our finest local coffee, tea, kombucha and grab a bite of food here at Antologi Café. We support local products and farmers, and our menu always aim for that right Indonesian heritage blend.


Are you a dedicated organization working for communities? Or are you a startup company looking to grow your business? Antologi offer extra benefit for selected organizations and companies. For more information, please contact us!

antologi space
antologi space
antologi space
antologi space
antologi space
antologi space
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