Chosen Program* Inter-cultural Learning and Friendship Program 12 in Bangkok
Full Name (shown on Passport/National ID/Student Card)*
Email Address*
Sex* FemaleMale
How do you know this program?
Date of Birth*
Mobile phone number (Connected to WhatsApp). Please include your country code, for example: +62 812 26xxxxxx*
Alternative Email Address
Name of school/university/institution where you are studying or working now*
Home Address*
Please upload a copy of passport/national ID (jpeg|jpg|png|pdf|max 1 mb)*
Please upload the Curriculum Vitae or Resume (jpeg|jpg|png|pdf|max 1 mb)*
Why would you like to take part at our program?*
In case of emergency, who can we contact? Please indicate contact number as well*
Agreement* I hereby confirm that the information I provide above is correct and I have read the program description and schedule. I also understand that there will be a program fee which must be transferred to AYFN to involve in all activities of Amsterdam Program.
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